Well, we had a bit of local and regional competition for our first Mom2Mom Sale on April 16 so we’ve decided to do one more.  We had some very wonderful sellers at our sale on the 16th and they were very understanding.  Also we had a wonderful crowd of shoppers which was also heartwarming since we waived our admission fee due to so few sellers (due to the competition I mentioned earlier) and yet these wonderful shoppers still filled our donation jar up with wonderful donations to support Mackenzie.

Our next Mom2Mom Sale is scheduled for Saturday, May 21 at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church on Henry St.  It is a great location for a sale.  The building itself is very large (we are able to hold at least 50 seller booths of various sizes), it has a large parking lot (so plenty of great parking for all the shoppers), it is on a major north/south road through Norton Shores (Henry St), and it is right near Ross Park Elementary (where there are soccer fields that will be hosting youth soccer games all morning creating even more potential traffic for our sale as they drive by and see it).  We are super excited about being given this second chance at raising funds for the Arthritis Foundation.  If you know of anyone that may be interested in joining us a seller/vendor at this event, please have them visit us here and either pull the registration form from our Forms Tab or send a message through our Contact Us Tab.  We would love nothing more then to fill this sale to capacity with sellers/vendors to give our shoppers the best shopping experience possible.



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